WP 2

Work Package 2 will identify processes of justification, major audits and surveys on justification of CT examinations carried out in the EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland and the UK in the past 10 years, and review and summarise their main findings.

Based on the work of EU-JUST-CT Work Package 2, the paper “Justification of CT practices across Europe: results of a survey of national competent authorities and radiology societies” has been published in Insights into Imaging. The article can be viewed here.

Lead: S. Foley
Co-Lead: R. Bly
Contributors: A. Brady, A. Karoussou-Schreiner, J.Sosna, Project Office Steering Group, Advisory Group

Task 2.1. Perform literature review to identify major audits and surveys on justification of CT examinations carried out in the EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland and the UK in the past 10 years, and review and summarise their main findings.
Task 2.2. Design, set-up, implement and evaluate a survey among the national competent and/or professional societies to identify audits and surveys on justification of CT examinations carried in the EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland and the UK in the past 10 years.