Work programme
The EMAN Tender Project was divided into seven Work Packages, each of which covered specific tasks, which contributed to the establishment of the European Medical ALARA Network.
Three working groups with representatives of the professionals involved (medical radiologists, cardiologists, radiographers, medical physicists and regulators) worked for two years to identify the needs and priorities for the implementation of elements to increase the level of radiation protection, both for patients and, where relevant, staff.
The results achieved by the three multidisciplinary groups provide a methodology to apply in other fields of diagnosis and therapy. It is recommended that the same methodology be applied at the hospital level, establishing multidisciplinary core teams to implement exposure optimisation in the different areas. Each working group developed synthesis documents and recommendations addressed towards the European Commission, standardisation and regulatory bodies, manufacturers and users.
Below you will find the final work package reports, as well as the synthesis documents prepared by the three working groups.
Work package reports:
- Work Package 0
- Work Package 1
- Work Package 2
- Work Package 3
- Work Package 4
- Work Package 5
- Work Package 6
- Addendum (ALARA Network)
Synthesis documents:
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